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Join our community in our journey towards being better informed on how we can improve our lives. Taking our pledge and creating an account with NAHA will give you access to extra features such as articles, forums, live events, podcasts and much more!

I pledge to wake up each and every day and work harder, be smarter, and to live a healthier life. I will strive to make my life a continuous process improvement plan. I am committed to being physically, mentally, socially, and financially healthier.

I know I am not perfect and never expect to be.

I know the journey is not easy but will succeed anyway. I pledge to be a positive example for myself, my family, and my community. I pledge to be a stronger person today than yesterday and to inspire others to follow my lead. I pledge to make health a daily part of my life.

The Code of Methuselah

High in the mountains of the Inyo National Forest in the California White Mountains stands our symbol of strength and perseverance in the greatest conditions of adversity. Named for the biblical patriarch Methuselah, this Great Basin bristlecone pine has not only survived but thrived over 4,850 years in some of the harshest conditions known to become one of the world’s oldest living organisms.

Ever adapting survival strategies and evolving pathways to change are paramount for health and happiness in all of us. We will succeed regardless of the elements around us, learning to love who we are and celebrating our entire beauty, even if we don’t have leaves.


Únete a NAHA Comunidad GRATIS!El Compromiso